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Big Plans
Monday, Aug. 04, 2003 at 10:24 a.m.

I figured I'd add another entry since I was so flipped out for the last one, especially since I have banner-ads running. They're nothing special, just the paintings I use for buttons with no text, since I seem to find it almost impossible to describe myself or my writing within a 468x60 pixel space.

The to-do list I started the last entry is mostly done, though I've added things to it. Not everything is completely necessary, though, such as the second-to-last entry "toenails." I want to redo the red paint since I'll be wearing sandals in Israel. I think I'm going to tough it out and try to where shorts when I'm in England for the sake of my tan. I got burned on my arms and face last trip walking the moors, but my legs were still completely white. I also wised-up and bought some oil-free suntan lotion for my face.

I saw my brother last night, which was nice, but after dinner we went to the Magic Stick where my eyeballs dried out in the smoke until they were the consistency of charcoal briquettes. Or at least that's what it felt like to me. The strange thing is I had dreamt about my eye itching the night before. I had rubbed at it until there was this inflamed spot on my right eye. I took it as a sign and tried not to rub my eyes. Why tempt fate?

Today will be a rousing day of going to Post Office to mail some CD-Rs (one for a friend, another in exchange for the Flaming Lips show where they sang me and three other people Happy Birthday), going to work where I will make my last attempt to print out the cover for Kelly's overdue birthday mix-CD, and then cleaning up around the apartment. Yeah! Two-and-a-half days!

I'm listening to Dylan -- Time Out of Mind
I'm reading my to-do lists
I want running to the front door to pick up my passport from the FedEx lady

<< >>
- - Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005
back yet again - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005
Batman - Friday, Jun. 17, 2005
Just fucking around today - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
pre-birthday - Saturday, Apr. 30, 2005


Martini picture by Stormchild