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A beginning
Thursday, May. 08, 2003 at 9:29 p.m.

I bustled out of the apartment without showering this morning to be chauffeured to class by my roommate. She had realized with more horror than I could muster that if I didn't show up (ie: go to the class at least once the first week) it was an automatic drop, and rightly convinced me to go. It felt wonderful to shower when I got home this evening and I was resolved to put on a flowy, white dress that I'm usually too embarrassed to wear. It's french and clearly a cotton slip, since it has a tight, psuedo-corset around the waist and a poof over the bust. Then, I thought I'd put on my new, red leather mules with bow accents for fun, but I thought I might get cold so I put on my nude tricot fishnets (much better than the regular fishnets since the holes are too small for your toes to painfully stick through), and then I needed a shirt to go with it all since I already looked so fantastic and put on a burgundy, collared shirt over it all.

I finished reading Bridget Jones's Diary, the bit of fluff I promised myself since I usually feel too guilty about not reading The 18th Brumaire, Gayatri Spivak, Edward Said or similar to read allow myself to read anything, and looked fantastic lying on the couch. I listened to my roommate's Fiona Apple - Tidal (vowing to put Criminal on a mix-CD about my love life which would also include Beck's Bottle of Blues), then Grace Jones's Nightclubbing which I had found for about sixty cents at a Record sale. I had thoughts of going out dancing, to a bar and meeting new people or calling around to old friends to hang out. The problem is that I don't really want to. I know that if I hit one of the two corner bars there won't be anyone that I know or can talk to for more than two minutes if I do know them, and of the three friends who live in the neighborhood I haven't seen two in ages (because I got sick of making the effort every time and they don't keep in touch) and the other just came over last night.

I'm not sure I even want to go anywhere, except that I look fantastic. Huh, and of course can't stop obsessing over a certain crush of mine who is conveniently located across the Atlantic Ocean at the moment.


I'm listening to people yelling in the alley
I'm reading Bridget Jones's Diary
I want to class, to work, to another class

<< >>
- - Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005
back yet again - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005
Batman - Friday, Jun. 17, 2005
Just fucking around today - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
pre-birthday - Saturday, Apr. 30, 2005


Martini picture by Stormchild