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"Soon it will be Christmas Day"
Thursday, Dec. 02, 2004 at 10:20 PM

I turned in a paper in my Humanities class today that was WAY too close to the wire. I had to take pictures of paintings at the DIA, then write four pages about them. The paper was due today at 11:45 and I went to the DIA yesterday before work, armed with Kelly's digital camera. I had to be at work at noon to prepare for the Senate meeting and because the pictures will only download onto Kelly's computer, I wouldn't know how they'd turn out until after the museum closed. If they didn't come out I'd be screwed, but I went and took about ten shots of each painting and hoped for the best. I'm sure I was pissing off the security guards by tromping through the museum in heels that clacked as I walked by everything at warp speed, not really looking at any of the pieces besides what I was taking pictures of.

I went to work and helped with the monthly Senate meeting, for once feeling professional, well-dressed and not sick, the state I was in for all the others until now. What is it about older men winking at subordinate women, by the way? It's a strange gesture, halfway between flirting and fatherliness, and I get it multiple times each meeting. I really enjoy flirting and would prefer a more blatant gesture but never really know how to interpret that one in particular. Sometimes I worry that I'm a dirty young woman since I always seem to be hoping in vain for a dirty old man....

Anyway, I went home and, miracle of miracles, had fantastic pictures of all of the paintings. In addition to utter gratitude to The Powers That Be, I couldn't help but feel that I didn't deserve to have come out okay. After all, who takes pictures the day before a project is due? Correction, what 24-year-old, graduate school-bound, independent woman takes pictures the day before a project is due? I started the paper and then headed over to Kelly's parents' house for Lost, which I'm addicted to because of a certain hobbit with a british accent. I got home at 9:30 and promptly sat on my ass in front of the TV (squinting, but still watching) until after 1:00am. I'm not really sure why, aside from a compulsion to see how much I can get away with that's left over from High School. I wrote two pages, slept until 9:00am, then finished it. Since all I had to do (note the denial process at work here) was go onto campus, put money on my Onecard and print out color copies of the paper before turning it in at 11:45, I figured I had enough time to shower. I did have enough time to shower, but not the insanely slow and luxurious one that I took because by the time I'd done my hair and went to put on clothes it was 11:15! Naturally I had some trouble with the computers at school and I wound up five minutes late for class.

In this class, she's threatened to shut the door and lock it for people who are three minutes late or more. She has us sign in at the beginning of class and initial out at the end if she's noticed anyone leave. The paper would go down a letter grade if turned in late. That was fine since I've been getting 100% on the exams and my overall grade would still average out to an A, accept for the fact that she only lets you have two absences. After two your entire grade goes down a letter. I have two absences. I got to class and sat down, then tried to seem attentive during the lecture to gain points. After class I turned in my paper and asked if she'd let me sign in. She asked me what my deal was, and I lied.

I lied. The details of the lie aren't important, but this was the only time in college that I'd actually lied for a grade. I'd told the truth about things which I considered to be my responsibility but that I hoped I'd get leniency for by admitting, but this was my first all-out lie.

And it sucked, and I'm never going to do it again, and it was a good lesson about putting things off and all that but, man! Talk about something that I didn't want to do and which there was no reason for! I've gotten to the point that I can count on myself to do the bare minimum to get an A but I think I'll use my last three semesters at Wayne to try to teach myself to think ahead a little.

Right now I'm doing something else that's strange for me, drinking a Bailey's and vodka martini! Anyone who's ever heard me talk about drinking knows that the things that I shy away from are super-sweet drinks and chocolaty ones, but this evening I had an inexplicable urge for the latter. My first thought was to make some hot coffee and Bailey's but since I don't have any decaf and it's been so long since there's been vodka in the house, I thought I'd go for this. I have my thick, chocolaty drink and my Christmas music and am feeling pretty cheery! Sort of longingly so, but cheery none-the-less.

I'm listening to the Christmas mix I made last year
I'm reading Play it as it Lays by Joan Didion
I want company

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Martini picture by Stormchild