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I feel like shit
Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2004 at 11:42 PM

Well, I'm sick. Nothing like topping off a long, weird day with feeling like shit and eating some milk and cookies that I bought at the corner liquor store yesterday.

I went into work an hour early since I planned to cut out to see Michael Moore speak on campus today at noon. On the way there I ran into Michaela, my old best friend from High School that I haven't seen in person for over a year. It was nice to see her but she seemed uncomfortable and I don't really blame her. Us not hanging out any more was my idea and I'll probably never understand what that was like for her.

I ran into work and quickly realized that I had a shitload of last minute photocopying to do. I usually use the copier in the Provost's office but because of some circumstances which are too stupid and tedious to even think about right now, I was forced to copy the last 30 pages on the copier near my office. Now, this thing is a piece of shit. It has a feeder which theoretically takes stacks of paper up to 40 pages, but I always get a paper jam after about ten. I realized that if this piece of shit actually worked, for the first time ever on a stack of paper this large, that I could finish everything else I needed to do in the meantime. Long story short, it actually did and I promised to take back all the bad things I ever said about it. (Looking back on this paragraph, though, I think I've already reneged on that one!) I ran to Gullen Mall with ten minutes to spare, said hello to Michaela again, then squeezed up near the front. Michael Moore was half-an-hour late which gave me enough time to enjoy the fall weather, realize that my pocket was still full of paperclips from my panicked copying and look around nervously for my ex-boyfriend who I knew would be there from emails he sent to the English Major listserv.

Fuck me. An ex-friend and an ex-boyfriend, all in the vicinity. I really enjoyed the speech, which lasted about an hour, then headed back to work. Over the next two-and-a-half hours, though, I started coming down with whatever it is that I have now. I spent a lot of time staring off into space or rubbing my forehead and at some point in the day agreed to deliver some mail and then completely forgot about it. I can get it done tomorrow, but as I was leaving my supervisor looked at me a little funny and asked if I remembered her asking me to deliver the mail about an hour before. I had to tell her that I didn't remember, but I was sure that I agreed to it, and that I was coming down with something.

Then, it was back home to several hours of studying for a class that I hate because the teacher is a passive aggressive bitch who treats her students like children. I'm not sure if I've mentioned her yet, but I'll probably give a some further explanation later if I haven't. I did all the reading today and noted everything I'll have to memorize for the test tomorrow at 11:45, but I'm done.

My face is washed, I'm in my flannel nightgown, I ate my cookies and am almost done with my milk.

I'm going to fucking bed.

I'm listening to the voices in my head
I'm reading Laurence by France Theoret
I want to feel better

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- - Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005
back yet again - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005
Batman - Friday, Jun. 17, 2005
Just fucking around today - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
pre-birthday - Saturday, Apr. 30, 2005


Martini picture by Stormchild