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Friday, May. 14, 2004 at 3:09 PM

In case you were wondering, my birthday did rock. I think Kelly hit it on the nail when she said that it was a small number of people, but it was quality. I've been pretty busy lately and will remain busy throughout the weekend.

At least by my standards, you will note that I am now currently sitting on my ass at the computer and drinking my second cup of coffee!

I'm quickly becoming completely obsessed with Jamie Cullum, or at the very least his song Twentysomething which he played on Conan last night. It's a retro, crooner, jazz song with lyrics completely about today: aimless, confused twentysomethings such as myself! At first I found it jarring but I've been listening to a downloaded copy on repeat for the last half hour. Don't bother with Kazaa unless you have a lot of patience, it looks like most of the copies of his songs going around fade out at three-and-a-half minutes. I blame iTunes.

The fiction writing group starts Monday (with a drunken prequel this week) and I'm looking forward to it. There's going to be about 13 people involved, which is a solid group. I figure not everyone will be able to make it every week and some people will leave after a while, but even at maximum capacity it shouldn't be too unwieldy. We had that many people at the bar after class sometimes, anyway.

My parents are visiting me on Friday so I'm finally going to get my shit together (my physical shit this time, not the proverbial kind) and paint my room! I'm so excited! I have all these little organization/decorating projects and everything is finally going to come together. Just as an example, I've been burning incense since I was in High School. I now have a small cauldron filled with green seaglass to burn the incense, I keep the sticks in a retro straw dispenser from Target and the matches in a metal tin with sandpaper taped to the bottom. I get so much pleasure from this that it's almost sick, but given the fact that I've lived most of my life like a hermit burrowed under her possessions, I'm willing to go for it for a while.

The idea that I'm actually going to have the room that I've been planning, though! Wow! That seriously hasn't happened since I was 14 and we moved three miles down the street. I tired of the paint color I had chosen in less than a year, though, and had to settle for an ever-changing mosaic of X-Files magazine clippings.

I must say, in addition to feeling the happiest than I ever have (or at least for more stable reasons), I'm feeling pretty damn cool, too. I've been told that when you're 24 you think you know everything and I definitely agree. I am the queen of the universe, and I have an entire year to enjoy it.

I'm listening to the song Twentysomething by Jamie Cullum
I'm reading The Reluctant Empress: A Biography of Empress Elisabeth of Austria
I want my room to magically clean and paint itself! That, or AC.

<< >>
- - Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005
back yet again - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005
Batman - Friday, Jun. 17, 2005
Just fucking around today - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
pre-birthday - Saturday, Apr. 30, 2005


Martini picture by Stormchild