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up all night
Tuesday, Jul. 29, 2003 at 6:02 a.m.

I'm sort of stuck, not particularly tired and faced with the fact that it's almost 6am and I wanted to get up early tomorrow. I have things to do. Want to get up and head onto campus to do some planning for my trip. Go to work. I haven't been going in as much as I should, even though it is pretty slow right now. I want to track down where in the US my passport is, which I ordered through one of those services because I waited until the last minute. A lot of money, but money well spent. I must do laundry. I want to clean up the apartment, including my room this time. I want to pick up some food for the next week. I have to pay the telephone bill and make sure I leave my roommate with cash for the energy bill and remember to pay rent on Friday. I want to clean out my car and it really could use an oil change. Let's see, what else....

I need to email the people I'll be staying with in Israel and a couple I want to visit in England, but first need to decide when I want to visit them. I told my friend David I'd send another copy of a mix-CD which I'd made for him but broke in the mail. (Just as well, I found an MP3 of Frank O'Hara, his favorite poet, that I can add at the end.) I need to make a CD-R of the Beck bootleg Golden Leftovers and mail it to the guy who said he'd get me a copy of the Flaming Lips show I saw in April where they sang me and three other people Happy Birthday.

I need to call my psychiatrist for a renewal of my prescription, and could stand to see my therapist before I leave. That's Thursday. Kelly wants to paint the kitchen and I'd like to help, but everything else should come first. I want to see my brother when he comes back from his own trip to Europe, which will be sometime over the weekend. I need to secure a ride to and from the airport. I need to clean the catbox.

I need to go to sleep, but now can you see why that's a bit difficult? I'm tempted to just stay up since I did sleep obscenely late into the afternoon, but I always seem to crash at around 7 or 8. Maybe if I make coffee and head onto campus first thing. The library does open at 8am... then once I'm done there I can head straight into work!

Oh, and I need to pay for my next year of gold membership so my pictures don't all disappear.

I'm listening to Beck MP3s -- currently Lampshade
I'm reading nothing
I want out for MacDonalds (god, I need to go grocery shopping)

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- - Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005
back yet again - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005
Batman - Friday, Jun. 17, 2005
Just fucking around today - Sunday, May. 22, 2005
pre-birthday - Saturday, Apr. 30, 2005


Martini picture by Stormchild